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The Lava Report

Meet CNN's Fit Nation triathlete: Carlos Solis

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I am honored to present Carlos Solis. He is a member of CNN's 2012 Fit Nation Triathlon Team. Six individuals out of several thousand around the country to have been chosen for their Fitness Nation "Six Pack" Triathlon Team whom will all embark on a new and healthy triathlete-like lifestyle.Quick note: Carlos is a type 2 diabetic. He is also a 5th grade teacher in nearby Ontario. He is aiming to improve his health by activity and lifestyle. The Celebrity Malibu Triathlon is the destination. Training for that destination is the journey. Check out their personal intro videos they sent to CNN Fit Nation as an application for this much sought opportunity. They are very touching. Very real.
CNN contacted me today via a head hunter by the name of Gary McMurtrey. A few email exchanges turned into a full conference call interview and I guess it was meant to be. I am honored and equally excited to accept the job offered coaching Carlos Solis as he enters his newly acquired multi sport life. You will meet Carlos around here. He will be training with LavaRacing for the next 8 months. Or more. Welcome Carlos. You are in for a great ride! That I can assure you.