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The Lava Report

Furnace creek 508(miles)!!

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The Furnace Creek 508 in many ways is like an Ironman triathlon IMO. It takes a huge commitment just to enter and get accepted. Then even bigger to show up. Still larger than that: Doing it.
I see the comparison that they are both just so down right demanding. Physically, mentally and emotionally. Maybe the two of most demanding competitions on earth. Again IMO. But then I can't be 100% on that because I have never done the Furnace Creek 508. But my sister Sherry Newsham has. She is 63 years young, president and member of the San Diego Cyclo-Vets Team(oh and a Phd in sports psychology) and just finished it with her team of four all women this morning (30+ hours racing NON STOP from Valencia torching through Death Valley, Kelso, Amboy, onward finishing in the lavish town of 29 Palms under the black sky). I believe winning their category too. Congratulations Sherry. I hope I am just like you when I grow up. I always have.